Friday, October 26, 2012

Weekends and the Single Mom

What to do on the weekends, when you are a single mother on a budget can seem like a very difficult thing to answer. But in reality there is actually alot of things we can do with out having to spend alot of money and still keep the kids entertained. Here are some things that I have found keep my kids happy and entertained and are mostly free or low cost. I hope these can help you bring a little fun back into your life.

 1. Never underestimate the fun of a good old fashioned playground. Kids will love it and it is a great way them to release energy and stress.

2. The beach is always free to go into, stock up on some cold drinks to prevent dehydration when it's hot out. Other than that, grab your swimsuits, sunscreen and have a great day out!

3. Movies, dollar theaters and drive in theaters. I recommend drive-ins because it is the most economic way of seeing new releases. Make some homemade popcorn, grab some juices or drinks at the local dollar store and make for a great night.

4. Take a walk around your neighborhood, always a good way to burn some calories, release some stress and talk with the kids about their day.

5. The local library, is a great place to go. There you can checkout books, magazines, and even rent out numerous movies all for free!

6. Ice cream shop, it's hot..the kids are cream has soothing effects with children.

7. Board games..make it a monopoly night who doesn't love monopoly?

These are just a few ideas for having a good weekend on a budget with your kiddos.
Hope you enjoy them and create a few of your own too.

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